

Gifts Have Become Needs This Year.
Help Us Rescue the Most Vulnerable.

Your tax-deductible gift will impact the lives of the 8,000 adults, children, and families we serve every year.
Whether you donate $5 or $500, every little bit helps.

COVID is increasing these statistics every day.
140,000 Tulsa area residents have a mental illness.

Through a healing and restorative community, we inspire dignity and build better lives through behavioral health and substance abuse services.

  • because 14% of Tulsans experience mental health issues
  • because depression is the leading cause of suicide
  • because Oklahoma ranks 8th in the nation for suicide rate
  • because substance abuse disorders are a public health crisis in Oklahoma
  • because within Tulsa Public Schools, a suicide note is received from a student virtually every day
  • because mental health is the leading health reason for work performance loss and second for absenteeism
  • because Oklahoma consistently has among the highest rates nationally for mental illness and substance abuse
  • because 96% of our clients are low to no income and receive care regardless of ability to pay
  • because anxiety and depression boost risks for stroke, asthma, diabetes and heart diseas
  • because our community experiences more suicides and overdoses than homicides


5,441 adults served | 50% reduced substance use
1,753 children served | 92% reduction in days away from home for at-risk youth
54% decrease in depression | for youth served at CALM Center
60% reduction in anxiety | for youth served at CALM Center during seven-day stay